You may have encountered situations where you’re being creative and coming up with new ideas, but you spend a lot of time trying to make them more focused than they are. You might think that creativity and focus have to happen simultaneously, but that’s just not true.
You cannot only reign in your ideas later, but it might be beneficial to you only to be creative and not place so much emphasis on cleaning them up right away.
Brainstorming New Ideas
When you’re brainstorming new ideas, they’re bound to come out a bit messy. That’s not a negative at that time – it’s just natural.
Creativity isn’t meant to be focused and structured at first; rather, raw thoughts need to be refined later. If you’re trying to do both simultaneously, you might stifle your creativity by not allowing it to breathe, constricting it with too many boundaries.
To get the most out of your creativity, you should just let it all flow out no matter how nonsensical it might seem at the time. Whatever comes to mind, just put it all out on paper so that later on, you can sort through it and find what will work best and what maybe needs to be restructured.
The Creative Brain
This lets you cover as many possible ideas as possible so that you don’t leave a potentially good slogan out. Later on, you can then look back through all of the slogans you thought of and sort through them.
You might see some that are good but need to be changed a bit, some that are good as they are, and some might just need to be ditched.
There’s no shame in tossing an idea out later, but you want to make sure you put it out there if it seems like a good idea when the time comes to focus.
Developing Creative Ideas
You might see some that are good but need to be changed a bit, some that are good as they are, and some might just need to be ditched.
There’s no shame in tossing an idea out later, but you want to make sure you put it out there if it seems like a good idea when the time comes to focus.
Are Limiting Beliefs Stifling Your Creativity?
It’s not uncommon for us women to have negative recurring thoughts around our business and creativity in particular. If you think this might be you read our post “Are Your Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?” for some actionable tips to clear some of this negativity out of your life for good.
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