Hey there!

It’s Julie and Sylvia, CEO’s of Awesome here at Handmade Life. We’re life-long makers and small business owners with, between us, more than 20+ years of sales & marketing, web and graphic design, copywriting and web content development.

We’ve put in the time under the tents as face-to-face sellers and sold our handmade wares as wholesalers. We’ve founded brick and mortar artist collectives, worked for bigwiggity corporations and non-profits, and are wholly and entirely in love with the maker and creative space AND digital marketing!

(We also dig good cheese, dark chocolate and red wine—preferably served in quick succession!)

Being a kick ass biz boss gets messy.

Don't give up!

Along the way, we’ve made tons of mistakes, big and small. We’ve felt unqualified, unworthy and unprepared. We’ve felt overwhelmed, discouraged and alone. We’ve made mistakes big and small.

But that voice, you know it too, the one from the depth of your creative soul, sometimes just a whisper, said: “never give up!”

And we’ve worked really hard at that… lol.. really, really hard! And we never gave up. And neither have you.

We also often wished that someone who had gone before would just give us the real goods on how to do what we love and profit. Say it with us, “I love profit and profit loves me!”

And that, friends, is what we’re here to do for you!

We’ve so got you! And we are super stoked about helping you to build your profitable handmade business online. A business with raving fans and loyal customers. A business that enables you to live a life of your own design.

Can we have an "Amen?" 

Before we go, we want to invite you to sign up for our free mini-course

“Get Online and Build Your List.”

Even if you don’t have a website yet, it’s not too soon to start building your audience! Your list is your BIGGEST and MOST EFFECTIVE tool to market your handmade shop.

Take the Free
Mini Course Now!

Get online right now and start building your list!

You can also receive our Maker Monday email. It will take you just a few seconds to sign up for this pop of awesome goodness—we promise it’ll be short, but packed with the latest and greatest tips, tools and inspiration we can find each week that will help strengthen your mindset and grow your business.

You’ll also get immediate access to our Makers Boss Profit Guide to help you set yourself up for profit right from the start. Oh, how we would have loved this guide when we first started selling online… or selling at all for that matter!

Grab your FREE copy of the Maker Boss's Guide to Pricing for Profit!

We’ll send you this no-nonsense, step-by-step guide that will get your pricing on point so that you are poised to make profits! We’ll also add you to our Maker Monday updates — a short power pop every Monday on must-know topics like SEO, list-building, email marketing, social media, mindset and more!

Thanks for taking the time to visit the Handmade Life. We’d love to hear about how we can help you grow, so don’t hesitate to shoot us an email.

Okay, lovelies, let’s do this!